How Much Does the Wii Cost?

Known as one of the top-notch and latest additions to the gaming console line developed and manufactured by Nintendo, Wii features numerous interesting and interactive games.

According to a financial report released in 2008, Nintendo Wii has higher sales than other popular gaming consoles like PlayStation 3 as well as Xbox 360.

To know how much the Wii costs, let us look at the price of the gaming console and the costs of accessories and hardware that can be connected to the gadget.

Purchasing the Video Game Console

How much does the Wii cost? The list price of the video game console is $249. However, consumers may have difficulty looking for a local store that will sell the product for the mentioned price.

On some websites, the item can be purchased for around $350 to $400. In most shopping malls, the item costs around $400 to $450.

The reason behind the disparity in the price of the video game console is that some stores and websites sell the product with some accessories, software, and hardware since consumers cannot use the video game console without purchasing these items.

For instance, consumers who want to play the game Guitar Hero should add $170 to buy the accessories needed for the game.

Those who like to play the game Dance Dance Revolution will add $40 for the dance pad and $100 for the package.

Other accessories that can increase the price of the game console are the classic controller, remote controller, and charge station.

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The classic controller costs $19 while the remote controller costs $40. Consumers who like to purchase the charge station should allot an additional $30 for the kit.

Aside from these, they should also allot enough money to buy games for Wii. Most games cost around $30 to $50 like The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario.

Additional Information and Other Important Details

The interface of the video game console has similarities with a television set. It has six channels, namely News Channel, Forecast Channel, Wii Shop Channel, Photo Channel, Mii Channel, and Disc Channel.

In addition to this, the product can be connected to the Internet since it has a USB-to-Ethernet adapter. The online connectivity features of the game include WiiConnect24 and Virtual Console.

Consumers who want to purchase the product have nothing to worry about the quality because it won the awards Best Hardware and Best of Show at the E3 200g exhibition.

In addition, the product is also included in the list of most innovative products in PC World.