How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height?

It is very natural for anyone to be concerned about their weight according to their age and their height. The reasons behind such concern should be a lot less based on how one would look at a certain age.

What is more important is for you to avoid or at least reduce certain health risks that are observed to be somehow common to certain age groups. This is where a comparison between a person’s age versus body mass index.

Looking into BMI

Your body mass index is a correlation between your height and your weight. After calculating your BMI, you can assess whether you are underweight, overweight, normal, or obese.

Your body mass index is calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height. Take note, however, that your body mass index does not emphatically and exactly tell you just how much body fat you really have.

There are other things to look up in case you do feel like wanting to check it out. You might want to calculate your age versus body mass index.

Correlating Age versus Body Mass Index

It is natural to think that there should be an ideal weight for a certain age or age group.

It is interesting to note that when we use your body mass index, it allows the opportunity to apply the data we get out of it to a broad age range.

This simply means that we can compare your age versus body mass index.

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In a study conducted in 1999 by the International Journal of Obesity, it was found that as people grow older they believe that the ideal weight for their age should be heavier.

The older people are the heavier their perceived weight should be. However, the issue of whether a subject is a male or female has some striking truth to show.

In that same study on age versus body mass index, it was found that age has a more direct and powerful influence on women than men. It is interesting that men don’t see age as a huge factor in determining their ideal weight.

A lot of men believe that the ideal weight should be anywhere near or even higher than a BMI of 25. This simply means that men tend to underappreciate the medical risks involved in being overweight.

Women on the other hand think of it the other way around. Still, in that same study, it was found that many women think that the ideal weight is below the non-overweight BMI range.

When correlating age versus body mass index, remember that the older you are the heavier your ideal weight should be.

This is due to the fact that bone density and skeletal muscles increase along with one’s total body weight.

To figure out what should really be your ideal weight given your age, you should seek the advice of a medical health practitioner.